Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What I've Been Up To (with pictures)

Hey everyone. I finally uploaded all the pics on my camera, it's been awhile since my last upload (maybe over a month). Last month we went to Ocean City on Labor Day and the zoo on the 25th. This month we've just been home since my husband got a new job.

Ocean City MD

The day before we went to the beach, I painted Liz's toenails :]

My husband and his cousin are digging a hole for Liz, and Liz is like "wtf?"


National Zoo D.C

Liz kept calling the lion "baby" :]

Pandas are so cute! Too bad he was sleeping the whole time we were there.

I painted my nails a few days before going to the zoo with...
China Glaze: Midnight Mission- Dark blue shimmer. I used 2 coats. AWESOME color :]

My nails haven't been peeling that much lately, I'll post pictures soon :D
Thanks for reading everyone, and thanks to all my followers!
I know I haven't been posting a lot but I will try to post when I can. :D


  1. Enjoyed reading this post, the lion being called "baby" made me laugh!:D

    Thanks for sharing these pictures and I hope you are having a great week!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  2. Yay you're back!

    That nail colour is gorgeous, and I LOL'd so hard at the photo of Liz in the sand XD she looks so happy hahaha

  3. Marie- lol thanks, I'm glad you liked my post :]

    SilhouetteScreams- Thanks! I missed blogging lol. Yeah Liz had fun but she was too scared to go in the water so she played in a little puddle the whole time, maybe next year she wont be scared :P

  4. Midnight Mission, GORGEOUS! I love blues but I don't have this one yet. It's lovely!

  5. Like the pic of little toe nails ^_^.
    I also like that OPI blue color, I only own 2 OPI, but the other day I found a bunch in a garage sale!, no blues but still a great find. ;).

  6. what a great color! liz looks ecstatic and happy :)

  7. I cant believe she let them bury her, what a good sport! :)
