^ Under my dresser lamp (no flash)

^ Under my dresser lamp (with flash)
I want to get CG Peachy Keen and Essie Tart Deco but I will have to wait until I sell some stuff on eBay. So I made my own franken named "Peachy Tart" lol I'm lame. I didn't swatch it because I feel lazy and tired, but it did put it on my nail display :]

^ Under my dresser lamp (with flash)

^ Under my dresser lamp (no flash)

Colors used to create baby "Peachy Tart":
Sally Hansen- White On (the mom)
Empty bottle of Sally Hansen- Lighting (the womb)
and NYC- Times Square Tangerine Creme (the dad) lol
I just poured until I liked how the color looked in the bottle, I might make it lighter but I don't know. Do you guys think it would look better lighter or should I leave it alone?
Those are beautiful!
Nice frankens. I too scared to try and make my own!
I really like 'Peachy Tart'. I think it looks fine as it is, it's a beautiful colour.
gildedangel- Thank you :D
Kelly- You should try it's really fun :] and thank you I'm glad you like my creation.
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